Over the last 2 months, I had a few health issues, which included Montezuma's Revenge, a severe toothache, which resulted in a root canal and over the last few days I lost my voice due to laryngitis and trying to do it all. Thus the reason for my delay on posting to my blog. Although, I did find time to venture out to a few important events.
My niece turned 7 years old on February 26th and celebrated her birthday the weekend after. Here are a few pics from the Celebration:
I volunteered as a Theater Manager for Cinequest from February 27th through March 9th this year. As I do every time I volunteer for Cinequest, I sit down after it's all over and wonder why I worked so many long hours and what possessed me to give up so much of my free time, then I look back at pictures (like the ones below) and remember all the great people I met and the up and coming filmmakers of tomorrow...and remember why I love it and keep coming back!
Melanie and Collin Cinequest and San Jose Repertory employees
Here are a few links of sites that I've found interesting over the last few weeks: